Display Advertising Tips For E-Commerce Businesses

There are plenty of ways to promote your e-commerce business. Display advertising is one of the great ways to promote your online business. An attractively designed advertisement can attract more visitors and generate more sales for your e-commerce business. In this article, we will discuss some of the important points that you should consider when you want to create a display advertisement.

Beautiful Photos

Display advertisement is all about how well you boast your product or service through the visuals. Taking beautiful photos of your products and display in the ad is one of the highly effective methods. Good images not only make your products look good but also make your business look more professional. This is the reason why companies are spending money on a camera or photographer. If you want to capture the photos on your own, then you should have a high-end camera and photo editing software. Some tips for capturing good images as follows

  • Concentrate on the lighting. A bright or adequate amount of light is essential for your photos to come good as expected.
  • Capture the photos of the product with a pure white background. This will add a highly professional effect and brings out the subtle beauty and detail of the product. However, you have to choose a dark-colored background, if your product is in the white or extremely lighter shade.
  • Use a tripod to ensure the stability of the camera. Using tripods avoid the chance of camera getting shaken.

Attractive Promotions

Displaying a promotion campaign in your display advertisement is a great way to turn the leads into your customer. For example, you can place a “buy now” button under at the bottom of the advertisement to prompt the visitors to make a purchase.

Dynamic Content

The advantage of dynamic content is that it allows you to promote more than one product in the display advertisement with getting the content look cluttered. By adopting the idea of dynamic content, you can display the updated information about the product, inventory and stocks.


You should apply the concept of color psychology on your display advertisement. The fact is that colors can influence the viewers positively or negatively. By using the colors wisely, you can stimulate the curiosity of the viewers effectively. Some tips for choosing colors as follows.

Blue can be used in most advertisement campaign as it is viewed as a safe color and appealing color.

It is highly recommended to avoid yellow color as it is usually associated with danger and warning sign. Using yellow color could create a negative impression on the viewers.

Red is a powerful color that can be used to display information about flash sales, attractive discounts, etc.

Targeting The Potential Customers

The banners should be designed by keeping the target audience in the mind. For example, if your website is selling apparels for women, then displaying a women model wearing stylish apparel would be a wise idea. In this way, the banner should be designed to attract the target audience easily.

  • Display advertisements are a great way to increase sales. However, such advertisements should be designed thoughtfully.


Intldisplayads Team

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