Category: Blog
A Doctor checking performance data online

Want To Promote Your Healthcare Business Online?

Digital Marketing In Healthcare Advertisements that use traditional methods are on their way out. As of 2019, traditional advertising channels such as radio, television, print, and directories have decreased advertising expenditures. If your healthcare advertising strategy still utilises traditional methods, you should consider shifting to digital. Healthcare organisations must have an online presence to engage […]

An image representing recrutiing advertisements

Display advertising’s Importance in Recruiting

Display advertising is an important part of the recruitment marketing mix. From billboards to digital advertisements in public transportation, display ads are everywhere and highly visible to potential candidates. You can reach people who aren’t necessarily looking for work and aren’t likely to apply or fill out an online application by using display advertising. It […]

Display Advertising

Display advertising is a form of advertising which makes use of logos, animation, videos, graphics, etc. for promoting your business. They are of varied sizes of banners displayed on the websites for promoting your products. You could find these display ads on various sites, Gmail, YouTube, etc. Display Ads are used for targeting the right […]